data that empowers
leverage transportation data faster, SMARTER, better
Whether it be airlines, ships, trucks, or anything in between, the transportation industry is a complex and dynamic set of processes and systems with several information points feeding into it. From passenger information and preferences to flight arrival and departure information and cargo and shipping weights, analytics gives you the competitive edge you need. Companies can find their pain points and opportunities, examine them from every angle, and use that insight to create the best product. See how OmniData™ can help you on your journey to the cloud and data modernization to optimize operations while providing insight into all aspects of the business.
OmniData™ used Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning techniques to build a model that would accurately provide transit times for the future. The model used historical data and contributing factors that would likely affect the actual transit time. From there, OmniData™ built dashboards and reports that illustrated the trends and model performance.
OmniData™ used passenger data to understand the normal traffic on the market. From there, OmniData™ built reports and dashboard that illustrated potential strategies for the customer based on time, frequency, and passenger demographics
Automation and digital transformation key for air transport industry recovery post COVID-19
Customers are relying on transportation brands to provide better solutions while taking care of their safety. Life after COVID-19 will be different and transportation companies will require deeper insights into their supply chain. Brands with a digital presence will thrive in this situation while those who cannot develop a solution will not.
Utilizing digital transformation of freight and logistics
Data Analytics has and will continue to become an essential part of transportation in order to maintain a competitive advantage. The transportation Industry sits on giant stockpiles of data. However, this data is rarely ever used efficiently. Companies able to utilize this data will reap the rewards.
McKinsey: Advanced analytics can drive the next wave of growth for transportation and logistics companies
The transportation sector as a whole lags the average performance of other B2B companies. However, it is not that hard to catch up because of the amount of data that companies already hold. Embedding data in daily tasks can dramatically increase efficiency.
OmniData™ is More than a Solutions Certified Microsoft Partner. We're Your Partner.
We've worked hard to gain the respect of the world's leading innovator in technology, and will work even harder for you. With veteran specialists in solution architecture, data engineering and business intelligence, our team thrives on partnering with companies that work across industries and around the globe. We help clients conceptualize and formulate solutions to complex business data problems. Let’s Connect.