data that empowers
leverage data faster, SMARTER, better
Data Analytics in Media & Entertainment expands more every day. The list of applications stretches from the impact of social media trends on the audience, all the way to the complexity of rights management for paying talent. In between, there are complex scientific problems, such as how to efficiently use satellites to move digital media around the world. Or financial problems, such as valuing future cashflows from streaming services. OmniData™ specialists have decades of experience in these applications and others. As a result, we are ready to jump in at a moment's notice and get our hands dirty, making you successful. Take a look at some of the successes we have achieved and get started on your digital transformation strategy today!
We built a data environment for the customer to allow them to analyze and build an understanding of specific customer data along with usage data. As a result, our customer built a range of consumer profiles used as the foundation for selling targeted advertising.
We went through archives of contracts of all types from paper to microfiche to newer databases. The older the contracts, the greater the potential problem. With a combination of human insight and machine learning, we identified the most vulnerable deal points and time frames. Business affairs were then supplied with accurate alarm systems warning of pending payments that may otherwise have gone unseen.
The inherent need for Data Analytics in the Media & Entertainment Industry
Studies show that the industry is moving from ad-revenue to consumer-revenue. This means that each media outlet must understand its customers and cater to their service accordingly. Thus, Digital Transformation is necessary for moving forward.
Why your company must prepare a new digital transformation strategy in 2020
As spending is growing faster than profits, it is up to the company to decide how to cut their spending. Reports show that companies aided by AI and machine learning have the power to be smarter about where and how they’re spending.
What are the challenges and opportunities facing a digital transformation in the Media and Entertainment Industry
Because the media & entertainment industry is fragmented, companies must "get in the game, or get out" with respect to harnessing their data. Moving to a cloud model makes scalability easy. Moreover, AI and machine learning give companies the power to personalize their service.
OmniData™ is More than a Solutions Certified Microsoft Partner. We're Your Partner.
We've worked hard to gain the respect of the world's leading innovator in technology, and will work even harder for you. With veteran specialists in solution architecture, data engineering and business intelligence, our team thrives on partnering with companies that work across industries and around the globe. We help clients conceptualize and formulate solutions to complex business data problems. Let’s Connect.